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5 Reasons to Visit an Art Museum

I am lucky (I say that right now only because it’s summer) to live in Michigan, home to The Detroit Institute of Art. This museum has a world-class collection of art and it’s about an hour drive from my home.

I wish I could say I go often or even every year but, for some reason I don’t make a point to get there nearly as much as I would like.

Why is it important to visit a museum? 

When I was looking around online about a visit to the museum, I found tons of articles about the benefits. Apparently there are more reasons than you might expect to visit an art museum or any museum, for that matter.

Here are my top 5. 

1. Inspiration

I think the best place to get inspiration in your own art is from viewing other peoples art. I know this sounds like cheating somehow, but I would be flattered if my art were on display and the people seeing it found inspiration in it.

Most things have been done; we are simply looking for new ways to express the old. You never know what connections you may make from one piece of art with the next, creating something totally “new” and “unique”.

2. Quiet

Museums are generally quiet and have plenty of places to sit and view the art. Spend some time to sit quietly, ponder a display, and let your brain rest. You don’t even have to be looking at the art, sit quietly and just be. 

3. Social

Girls night out or date night is extra special when you visit a cultural institution like an art museum. It’s a great way to do something different and to share the experience with others who may have never really been or haven’t since they were children. You don’t have to be an artist or into art to enjoy the experience.

Make it a day by having lunch at the museum if available or plan it next to dinner plans. Dress a little nicer and enjoy a special day.

4. Connection

Viewing art from ancient history through the modern era helps us connect with other cultures, societies, and peoples. We get a glimpse into another time and life. I personally love to see everyday life from far off times and different cultures. So. Fascinating.

5. Support

If you are lucky enough to have a museum or cultural institution in your area, show your support and visit. Some smaller places rely solely on visitor revenue to keep the doors open. Don’t allow these places to close or move, leaving you living in a cultural desert. 

Don’t forget to look into institutes and cultural centers in smaller cities in your area, you likely have some places you haven’t even been to, make some plans to visit. 

I hope these five reasons inspire you to get out and visit a museum. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you can enjoy roaming around and feasting your eyes, feel free to love or not love anything you see. 

Just do it quietly.

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