Focus on Living
I don’t want to help you not die…I want to help you live!
I fell in love with this statement because all too often we focus on on the negative aspects of life and not the beautiful fact that we are here, alive, and our sole purpose is to simply live and grow!
How lucky are we, that we have relationships, communities, music, art, joy, sex, nature, and food!
It’s so easy to find yourself constantly thinking about what you should not do. What you should not eat. What you didn’t like. What someone did wrong. What you did wrong. What you didn’t get done. I could go on and on here.
But that statement above reminded me that we need to shift our focus from not dying to living. Instead of focussing on all the bad things that could make you unhappy, sick, hurt, or even die – shift your focus to living.
I am going to practice thinking about all the delicious healthy food I want to eat and cook. I’m going to think about all the cool things that happened to me today and be grateful. I’m going to plan a new adventure. I’m going to be excited to move my body in a new and fun way. I’m going to focus on LIVING.
Please share in the comments how you are going to switch your focus and how you plan to LIVE!