Who Do You Want To Be?
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
Of course you might answer, I want to be myself, I don’t need to be other than I am. But then I ask you, who are you? What are your values? What do you stand for? Think about the person who had an absent parent growing up, many times they want to be a better parent to their own children, they want to be a good parent. What about the person who looks up to Maya Angelou or Thich Nhat Hanh, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be like them, to become more like them.
Knowing your destination means you are far more likely to get there, otherwise you just drift.
Growth is a good thing, you can be anyone you want so why not actively choose the type of person you will be? Going with the flow and just letting nature take its course is fine as long as you are perfectly happy with your life, health, connections, and contribution to the world.
Knowing who you are, what's important to you, and who you want to be or become steers your every day decisions. When I wanted to get fit or to become a woman who lived a healthy lifestyle I started making choices a fit woman would make, living the lifestyle of a fit woman, and after embodying her for so long one day I realize I am her. I am a fit woman. I have become her.
Choose your values and live into them, get to know yourself. What do you value? Freedom, honesty, beauty, faith? Are you living those values? Is there room for you to grow more into the person who emulates those values.
Who do you look up to?
Do love the snappy way your neighbor dresses? Maybe you admire the kind way your co-worker treats everyone. It’s totally fine if you want to be more like them, simply become the version of you that incorporates these traits.
What do you feel strongly about?
Are you a feminist? Do you want to protect the environment? Do you love the outdoors? Ice Cream?
What would you like to accomplish?
Are you the person who can do it? Do you need to grow or become someone who can accomplish those things.
Are your goals, habits, and routines aligned with who you want to be?
If you want to be someone who is spiritual, are you incorporating spiritual rituals into your week? If you want to be an artist you have to create art. If you want to be a dancer you all you have to do is dance.
We can sometimes be different people in the different roles we have in life.
You may be one person to your business acquaintances and another person to your brother, and that’s okay as long as you are being true to you and you like your reasons.
I’ll show you what this looks like for me.
I think the best way to begin to answer these questions is to think about the different areas of our lives and determine who we are or who we want to strive to be in each area.
So I ask again, who do you want to be?
Let’s start with Mind & Body.
I want to be a woman who:
- knows who she is
- is free to live her life by her own rules
- has my own back
- is kind or quiet
- believes anything is possible
- takes exquisite care of my inner self
- lives, and lets live
- is open minded
- lives mindfully
- is ageless, I don’t mean I want to look young, I mean I don’t want age to be a factor for how I live my life
- will never say I’m too old or too young
- treats her body like a temple
- is strong and fit and full of vitality
- is well rested and well nourished
- is free from addiction, drugs, alcohol, television, social media, attention, praise
In my Daily Life.
I want to be a woman who:
- practices daily healthy habits and routines
- maintains a very large group of friends all over the world
- has a close-knit group of close friends
- keeps in touch
- has an equal partner to share life with
- is a good lover
- connects with nature intimately
- is in charge of her livelihood
- does not wish away her precious time, waiting for Fridays or until the next vacation
- is financially free
- is organized and tidy
- is fun and adventurous
- is well travelled and well read
And finally who do you want to be when it comes to growth.
I want to be a woman who:
- cares about her appearance and don’t
- lives in a home that is unique and distinctly me
- is creative and loves to try new things
- explores and practices spirituality in a very personal and meaningful way
- never stops growing, learning, and expanding
- who believes in mystery and magic
I’m sure if I thought longer I could come up with even more traits values and things I want to be.
I change my habits, routines, and set goals for myself. Little by little I changed from a woman who over ate and drank regularly to a woman who eats clean and drinks moderately picking and choosing my indulgences. I wanted to do good work in the world so I started exploring different careers and myself to see what fit. I became a blogger and a coach. And it doesn't stop there. Now I still ask, who do I want to be?