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Life Made Simple

Life Made Simple

Hosted by: Shanna Mills

Welcome to Life Made Simple with Shanna Mills where we learn practical ways to apply personal development and re-invent our everyday lives. Whether you are navigating a transition, reaching for your dream life, or...

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Episode 48: From Procrastination to Motivation

Recently I have been feeling burnt out.  It’s the end of summer and this time of year I always find myself totally spent and in need of a reset.  Heck…every season I need a reset! In summer I want to absorb every ray...
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Episode 47: 3 Ways to Live an Awesome Life

I think the best advice comes from people with experience in the things we are struggling with in our life, people who have been there and lived it. But sometimes we aren’t aware of what we are creating in our lives...
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Episode 46: 50 Simple Luxuries for Every Day

I get one life, so of course I want to make it the absolutely best life that I can and for me that includes luxury and comfort. Sometimes I forget to make the best of my everyday life. I get busy and run from thing to...
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Episode 45: Re-Invent Your Work Life: 5 Steps to Create Your Vision

While going to work may not be our ideal activity, most of us do want to earn money to pay for housing, food, and the other necessities of modern life. I’m going to go a step further here and say I want to enjoy my...
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Episode 44: Re-Invent Your Work Mindset

When it comes to work we can sometimes get into a negative mindset. Because when we believe we have to do something, like it’s against our will, we rebel against it.  The reality is, we work because we want to. ...
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Episode 43: Quality Over Quantity Diet

Over and over I experimented and learned new things about health and wellness. I created my own healthy lifestyle by taking what served me and leaving what didn’t. This is what I’ve learned.
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Episode 42: 9 Summer Skincare Tips

This is a list is simply what I have noted about my summer skincare, what I’m doing well, where I need work, and what I’d like to do differently. It’s in no particular order just as things came to mind. My goal here...
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Episode 41: Mid Year Healthy Habit Check-Up

I love the idea of hitting the reset button in January and again in July, about six months apart because I believe it will keep my weight and fitness steady and strong.
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Episode 40: 2 Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment. You may have heard me discuss before that we are in charge of how we feel. Self-confidence is a feeling and it’s totally within our...
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Episode 39: 3 Practices to Make Life Better

Are you running mindlessly from task to task, not taking a moment to breathe or stop and smell the roses? Wouldn’t you like to have breathing room in your schedule? Remember who is in charge of not only your time…but...
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Episode 38: 8 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy the Present

Of course it’s a good idea to plan for our future, to set goals, and to dream, but we want to be careful not to spend our lives chasing a carrot either. We want to be present in our lives right now. Life is never...
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Episode 37: Be More Attractive

Most of us think about how we look, what we would should wear, and how we are being perceived by others many times a day. Often this includes some pretty harsh judgements, here's how to be more attractive to others...
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