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Life Made Simple

Life Made Simple

Hosted by: Shanna Mills

Welcome to Life Made Simple with Shanna Mills where we learn practical ways to apply personal development and re-invent our everyday lives. Whether you are navigating a transition, reaching for your dream life, or...

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Episode 36: 18 Tips To Write and Achieve Your Bucket List

Do You Have a Bucket List? Tips to write one and actually start crossing things off. I think everyone should have a bucket list because letting yourself think of all the possibilities available to you in life helps...
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Episode 35: What To Do With Regrets

You may think you don’t have many but I bet you at least have a couple. Sometimes we tell ourselves lies to make ourselves feel better. I’m glad I never kissed so and so. I’m so relieved I never went to art school…you...
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Episode 34: Ever Want to Escape from Your Life?

What to do when you feel like running away and why escaping probably isn’t the answer. Being stuck in limbo between the life we have and the life we fantasize about is a miserable purgatory of discontent and no place...
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Episode 33: The 2 Most Common Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts holding us back from living our best life and from achieving our dreams. Beliefs are the thoughts we have that are so ingrained we don’t realize they are thoughts at all, we simply...
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Episode 32: 3 Ways to Level Up Your Environment and Your Life

We’ve all heard Jim Rohn’s famous quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you haven’t heard this quote let it sink in…because I believe it’s so true. But you have to put sage...
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Episode 31: Why You Need Non-Negotiables to Successfully Create Healthy Habits

If you want to change your habits but never seem to be successful, what you need are non-negotiables. A non-negotiable is something in your life that is not open to discussion or modification. I find non-negotiables...
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Episode 30: My Seven Secrets to Stay on Track

I want you to learn and live your best life. I know you’ve tried to change your life or your habits before but can’t seem to stay on track so I’m going to share with you my secrets for keeping on track so you can...
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Episode 29: Feel More Alive, Especially in Spring

Everything exists with its equal and its opposite, the whole has its pieces and nothing is missing, everything is as it should be. In the spring we are naturally in balance so we feel more alive. We feel more alive...
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Episode 28: 5 Simple Steps to Get What You Want

I recently read a quote that said, “You will be exactly as happy as you decide to be.” It didn’t say who said it, but it’s so true. For example, I could be super rich, have a decent family, and all the trimmings and...
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Episode 27: 30 Ways in 30 Days to Edit Your Life

If you've ever wanted to run away and start over somewhere new, or if you simply want to have a fresh start in your life than this list for you. If you truly want a fresh start, this is exactly the work you need to be...
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Episode 26: 5 Ways to Use the Seasonal Energy to Enjoy and Improve our Life

We are feeling cooped up, ready to burst, and out of balance. We want outside and we’re itching to move on to the next season. We sense a new beginning. We are well rested and full of energy. We can feel our batteries...
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Episode 25: How to Make Your Every-Days Awesome

What does an awesome day look like for you? Do you know? Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy your every-days so much you stop pining for the weekend or dreading Mondays? Here's how.
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